Efficient communication and knowledge sharing are highly important for the educational process. That is why we created a service that can greatly facilitate your group projects.
Group course work and assignments are now much easier to work on. With Rizzoma, you can simultaneously work on a document with a group and add your comments later on right next to the sentence that you are targeting.
Our built-in chat allows students from all over the world to communicate in real time right within a document. We also incorporated Google+ Hangouts to let you make video calls without leaving the page you are working on.
Easy tree-like structuring makes work with large documents comfortable. Text zoom-interface allows to minimize unnecessary details for fast navigation.
Hierarchy of information blocks can be copied and pasted. MindMap view for documents is coming soon.
Rizzoma is a sort of continuation of wave, which is - in my view - one of the most important developments forward in human collaboration since the invent of the speech :)
The thing is that you are writing and creating a document, dialogue, etc *together*, where all are responsible and part in what is happening, and where order appears out of increasing effort and inputs. I.e., unlike a forum or something like that, here you have a document and discussion that ends up in more and more structure and insights by itself. Self-organisation - one of the most beautiful phenomena there is :)
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